The way of throwing stones

Umrah Package December 2017

an introduction Islam is based on five testimonies that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and that the prayer of Zakat, the fast of Ramadaan and the Hajj of the House are those who have been able to do so.And to help you  complete this beautiful occasion 
Umrah Package December 2017 giving you the cheap rates.The Hajj is one of the most important rituals of Islam. The ninth year of the Hijrah, where the Hajj is performed only once at certain times of each year, as well as the rituals and steps of his own called (rituals of Hajj), which are carried out in accordance with serial steps in Mecca, it lost one of these pillars has lost a lot of reward and reward. Pilgrimage Hajj is obligatory for every Muslim who is an adult, sensible and capable, and he is meant to be able to reach him physically or physically. The material ability is that the Muslim has sufficient money to perform the duties of this duty without affecting the expenses of his children and his family. So that he will be able to endure the hardships of travel and pilgrimage. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): It is believed that the Hajj existed before the entry of Islam, it was imposed on many of the former nations such as Hanafi and followers of the religion of our master Abraham, peace be upon him, he said God in his book Hakim: (Brahna for the place of the house not to involve me anything and clean my house for the sects and those who bow and bow Prostration), but the manners were then wrong and invented the people what they wanted until the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him performed the farewell plea in the tenth year of migration, where he did the right way to take it from the Muslims said it For prayer and peace: (Take me from your rituals). Throw the three stones the throwing of the Jamarat in Hajj is one of the rituals and the steps that it takes, where it is thrown in Mina. The percentage of this place is to the place where the Shaytaan intercepted our master Abraham, peace and blessings be upon him. The Prophet then threw stones at him. , Followed by the second anthrax, the middle jumra, then the third jumra, the smaller jumra, and from the Sunnah that comes from the Prophet, the Muslim begins to throw the small ember, then the middle and then the greater Jamra. The method of throwing three stones The first day of Al-Sharaq is the first day of Al-Shorq to throw stones, starting from the small Jamra, the middle and then the major, and the time is for the time of the Day of Sacrifice, and the time of throwing is between the dawn of this day and the dawn of the next day. (In the name of God, and God is greater against the devil and his party and to satisfy the Rahman), and then calls the pilgrim in every Jamra except the Great Jamrah, and raise his hands in the future Kaaba And pray to the Prophet Muhammad, saying: (Oh God make him a justified pilgrimage and a guilty and forgiven A good work acceptable and trade not Tabor), and is thrown Jamra Aqaba to receive the anthrax and make me to the right of the Hajj and Mecca on the left, while the smaller and middle Jmrtha Fermiha Haj from all sides.


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