How to throw stones in Hajj

Umrah Package December 2017

Pilgrims in Hajj the Hajj is a great Islamic ritual in its position, time, and moral and spiritual meanings. After Hajj, the Muslim is free of sins and sins as a day and his mother is born thanks to God and mercy. The Hajj is distinguished from the rest of the obligatory decrees and acts of worship, because it has a set of rituals and acts in which the Muslim remembers what happened to the Prophet of God, Abraham, when God ordered him to slaughter his son Ismail. These rituals were connected to that part of the earth. As he sought to please God to love what the slave in the world, the children, so he proceeded to carry out the command of God with his intensity on the soul, so that God escaped Ismail and his delegation Bkbash of him, and the birth of that incident and make the details performance of the rituals of worship performed by Muslims once a year,. How to Throw Jambs the first day of Eid al-Adha begins on the day of the sacrifice, which is the first day of Eid al-Adha, where the pilgrims aim at Jamra al-Aqaba, following the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). The days of Eid, which is the day of slaughter, Jamra, Aqaba only, and that anthrax is located immediately after Mecca; where the stone is thrown seven stones, the Rami grows with each pebble, which he says: (God Akbar), and then throw the pilgrim every day of three days of Tashreeq Which is the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah and seven other stones in the places of R J allocated to it; where the shooting begins after disappearing until sunset every day of those days, and the right of Haj deficit, or illness, or if his illness, or imprison anything about the shooting at the time of the shooting , which is between the ephemeral and sunset he may throw at night until After midnight. [1] It is noteworthy that the wisdom of throwing stones in those places insulting the devil, humiliating, and distorts symbolically, not the truth, and to show the pilgrim that he disobeyed the devil as the stick of Abraham, and that obeyed the performance of the performance of Hajj and did what God commanded him to believe in Abraham peace be upon him, Obeyed the command of the Messenger of Allah, who took the rituals of Hajj after the argument of farewell. [1] The story of the legitimacy of throwing stones The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) responded to several stories referring to the story that came from the legality of throwing the three emeralds. It was also mentioned that the rituals of Hajj are a repetition of what happened to our master Abraham, his wife and son in that blessed spot. He said: (Gabriel said that Ibrahim went to Jamra Aqaba, the devil offered him Framah seven stones and then came to the Middle Jumra, the devil offered him a pyramid and seven gravel and then came the maximum anthrax gave him the devil Fremah seven stones when he wanted to Abraham to sacrifice his son Ismail said to his father: Abt And Thagna are not disturbed Ventdh you my blood if Zbanna dumbstruck when he took the code so he wanted to kill it was heard from behind him: (O that Abraham had ratified the vision). [2] [3] The story of throwing stones and their origin is following the example of Ibrahim, peace be upon him, did not offer him the devil, and wanted to dissuade him from the slaughter of his son Ismail so as not to make him obedient to God on the pretext that this is your son and you should not kill him, (Was a symbolic symbol and a reference to the enmity of the devil, which God commanded us in saying: (Satan is an enemy to you and they took him an enemy) . [5] Pilgrimage Pillars of Hajj The Hajj has four pillars. The Hajj must be performed and performed according to what came before it, so that his argument is valid and acceptable. If he leaves any of these pillars, his argument is invalidated, and these pillars are stated as follows: Ihram: that the pilgrim intends to start the Hajj and enter it provided that the intention coincided with the intention, and intends to do so at the time may begin Hajj, the most famous pilgrimage; Shawwal, and Al-Qa'dah, and Dhu al-Hijjah, and that the intention of the place allocated to that law. It is narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Hajj is 'Arafa', and it is narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: It is known that the beginning of the day of 'Arafah begins at the end of the ninth day of Dhu al-Hijjah until the dawn of the first day of Eid al-Adha, which is the day of slaughter, and in the narration that its beginning is from the beginning Dawn of the ninth, to the dawn of the day of the Sacrifice, and split to the health stand in Arafa just stand in it even for a moment, and Every mountain of Arafa position is not required to be valid to reach the mountain of mercy as it is famous among the people. Tawaaf al-ifaadah: This is after the end of standing at Arafah and the night in Muzdalifah, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): [8] Omar ibn al -Safa and al-Marwah: It is obligatory for one of the intentioners of the Hajj to start the journey between al-Safa and al-Marwah, and the pursuit is after tawaaf al-ifaadah for those who enjoy Hajj. The duties of Hajj Al Haj needs to do many other things besides the pillars of Hajj, and these matters are inferior to the pillars. If the pilgrim does not come with any of them, his Hajj is correct and requires him to shed blood for what he has left. These duties are: Praise be to God, and there is no partner for you. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Jibreel came to me. He said, "O Muhammad, your companions have passed, so that they may raise their voices in prayer." [10] Tawaaf al-Qaddum: Malik scholars have enjoined this kind of tawaaf on Hajj as soon as he arrived in Makkah, and committed those who did not do it by offering a guided sacrifice. The rest of the scholars are of the view that it is a Sunnah to perform it. Tawaaf al-Fadaa: The Shaafa'is and Hanbalis considered the tawaaf al-farewell to be a duty to get out of Mecca and not from the rituals of Hajj, and regarded it as a year of Hajj. The menstruating woman and the menstruating woman may leave the farewell tawaaf and do not require anything from the gift. [11] Overnight in Muzdalifah: After the pilgrim has finished standing at Arafah, he moves from it after midnight to Muzdalifah, if he cannot wait until dawn to complete the Hajj. Jamming: It is detailed in the beginning of the article. Lying in Mina: This is in the days of al-Tashreeq. Shaving hair or shortening it for men, and taking something from it to women.


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